Thursday, September 12, 2013

An Excerpt from THE HUMBLE ABODE

Here is a brief excerpt from chapter two of THE HUMBLE ABODE, in which Evyn and Jior find themselves in trouble while trying to rescue Chit from the ghouls of the Lost Wood.

Evyn grabbed the Phlelf as Jior started to hurry forward to help her. "Don't move," he hissed.
"Why?" Jior blinked.
"Because, you ninny, we're now surrounded by banshees. And if you walk through the one in front of us, you will die before you come out of the other side. And if you provoke them, they will scream. Not even the lantern could protect us from that sound."
Jior peered around them. He could just make out thin, filmy gray shapes ringing them round, red eyes glowing maliciously as they peered back at him. "What happens if they scream?"
"We die."
"And if we just stand here?"
"Eventually they'll get bored and scream."
“We die."
"Hmm. What if we make a break for it?"
"I told you, we'd pass through them."
"And die?"
"It does seem to be the trend."
Jior pursed his lips a second. "And Chit can't help us with the spirit lantern?"
"I told you, it doesn't block out the screams. It would just keep them from touching us."
"And Chit has twisted her ankle," the girl interjected shortly. "So Chit can't even get up."
"Chit's in the circle of the lantern, so Chit should shut up and be grateful," Evyn snapped.
Chit snorted at that and went back to spitting the residue of the ghoul slime on the ground.
"So..." Jior looked around at the looming banshees. "We're going to die."
"Looks like it."
"Any last words?" Jior asked hopefully.

Evyn sighed. "Shut up."

Original image found here.


  1. OMGG I had a good laugh reading this! Your characters are terribly funny even in their dire situation.

    Good luck with this! I really really hope it gets published one day. :D

  2. Thank you! I know this is crazy belated (I'm terrible at keeping up with my comments), but this made me smile, and I appreciate the support. :)
