Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Blog Always Hops Twice

Perhaps it's the thrill. Perhaps it's the acclaim. Or perhaps it's that nothing good will be on TV until 10:00 p.m. tonight. (Come hither, "American Horror Story," for I yearn for thy perverse oddity). In any regard, I find myself, once again, participating in a blog hop. This one is called the Liebster Award and, having been tagged by Elise Valente, I am now compelled to do the following:

Step the first: I must list 11 random facts about myself.

Step the second: I must answer the 11 questions posted by the person who tagged me.

Step the third: I must nominate 11 others to participate in the blogginess and post 11 questions for them to answer. 

And so the cycle continues... Mwoohahahahahahahahaha... *lightning flashes*

There is nothing so precious as an evil child's laughter...

Original image found here.

Now that you know what you're in for, step into my fact-filled parlor...


1. Much like Odin of Norse mythology fame (and soon to be of HBO series fame), I am known by many names. However, unlike the All Father, the most prevalent of my nicknames is "Lizardsquisher," which stems from a tragic childhood event involving my bare foot, a lizard making a mad dash across my kitchen floor, and a wee green head shooting across the tiles. Having played with the lizards on my porch for so long and having written my first poem about one of them ("Ode to a Lizard on a Cup"), I found the whole thing quite traumatic. 

I fear the day when the lizards have their revenge. I only hope that 
Mothra will be around to save me...

Original image found here.

2. The first book I ever read was The Tortoise and the Hare

3. However, the first book I ever fell madly in love with was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I devoured the Chronicles of Narnia when I was 7 or 8 and immediately started writing my own fantasy stories. I even wrote my first book report about The Silver Chair!

4. I compulsively collect the stickers from the tops of my gum containers. It sounds weird, but I started chewing gum when I quit smoking in 2011, so each sticker is sort of symbolic of a day I didn't smoke. I've stuck them to the outside of a plastic container for the time being with a notion of turning them into a mosaic at some point.

5. I used to have competitions with myself ever summer break from school to see if I could read more books than I did the previous summer. I always won. I don't recall the last record I set, but it was over 50.

Clearly, nerdgirls are forged in the fires of Mordor and the forests of Narnia, 
not in your petty mortal sunlight...

Original image found here.

6. I arrange my markers in ROY G BIV order and I am devastated when someone screws them up.

7. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 25. I just couldn't be bothered. Also, I knew I was flighty and was somewhat afraid I would kill someone. (Contrary to popular opinion, this concern has proven to be ill-founded.)

8. I delight in organization but deplore maintenance. Hence my apartment, while perfectly sanitary, is in a perpetual state of near chaos. 

9. I have a huge crush on the talented actor/ handsome goofball, Norman Reedus. I usually try to hide my feelings and I realize this will come as a complete shock to everyone, but I felt like it was time to admit it.

All (with working eyeballs) shall love him and despair. 

Original image found here.

10. I have sent Norman Reedus fan art on two separate occasions, as well as the only fan letter I have ever written. It was actually a two and a half page letter about how I don't write fan letters, written in a scrupulously edited anecdotal essay format. After I sent it to him in the mail with some other trinkets, the talented Mr. Reedus sent me a direct message on Twitter expressing his appreciation, seeming specifically amused by the letter...

11. One of my all-time favorite songs in the world is "Mandolin Rain" by Bruce Hornsby. Every time I hear it, I get all misty-eyed and full of sighs.


1.  Should there be a law that forces gorgeous guys to remain shirtless as often as humanly possible, even in the face of inclement weather?


"But... but... I live in New York City!
Damn it, it's gonna be a tough winter."
Original image found here.

2.  What do you think of the fact that Pluto is no longer a planet?

This about sums it up.

Original image found here.

3.  If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?

That's a tough one. I think maybe Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, because he's pretty, adorably shallow, charming, and magical. I suspect that shenanigans would ensue.

4.  What makes you think you're so special?  I mean, you are special, but please elaborate on your specialness.

Um, 'cause my mom says so. Word to my mother.

5.  What is your biggest pet peeve about the writing process?

Synopses are the tools of Satan, meant to oppress those who have spent years coming up with 200 pages of gold and must now reduce their genius down to a trite, digestible blurb. 

Not that I have strong feelings on the matter or anything...

6.  If I yell at my dog because she's currently throwing a temper tantrum over her bone, does that make me a bad person?

No, but if she yells back, it makes you a crazy one. :P

7.  Did you hate the new Star Trek movie? (Hint: the correct answer is "yes.")

I wouldn't know. I went to see it in the theater after several vodka and cranberries. All I remember is something about a really big, shiny screen and someone saying "ssshhhh" a lot. 

8.  What is your preferred genre to write?  Do you ever see yourself writing in a different genre? (I know that's technically two questions, but since one is a follow-up, it doesn't count).

Fantasy has always been my one true love. I like the element of escape with the underlying notion of using these magical elements as metaphors for real-world problems and comments on the human experience. However, I have written psychological horror and straight fiction before and enjoyed it.

9.  Without using Google or any other search engine, do you have any idea where the phrase "Klaatu barada nikto" comes from? (+20 geek points if you do)

Is that Klingon for "What's your sign?"

10.  You love vampires.  Yes, this is a statement, not a question.

Unless they sparkle. Then I'm calling in Abraham Lincoln.

Original image found here.

11.  Tell us all about your current project and why we should encourage others to start riots over buying it when it's released.

Well, if you follow me on Twitter, you've probably seen me tweeting about Ash, my current work-in-progress. Still, the one I'm really excited about is my finished novel, The Humble Abode. This story combines the elements of the things I love most in life- sarcasm, the supernatural, magic, and short people with attitudes-  into a work that is both original and humorous. Plus, there's a free fire-breathing frog included with purchase!


OK, I never know who to ask to do these things, so I'm gonna ask you guys to be all Katniss Everdeen about this and volunteer. Don't worry, you don't have to fight children to the death and make out with a baker boy who is clearly less foxy than your childhood B.F.F., you just have to step up and answer my questions on your blog. Sound fair? All right, let's continue...

1. What is the best book you've ever read and why?

2. Do you have any hidden talents I might not know about?

3. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Hint: The answer is, "less than Chuck Norris.")

4. If you had a theme song that played whenever you came into the room, what would it be? 

5. Does cheese, in fact, make everything better?

6. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

7. What is the coolest thing you ever dressed up as for Halloween?

8. If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be?

9. If you found yourself in mortal peril, which super hero would you want to rescue you? 

10. A spaceship crashes in your backyard and a relatively harmless-looking furry purple critter comes rolling out to ask you for directions to the nearest Taco Bell drive-through. What do you do?

"Go home, alien. You're drunk."

Original image found here.

11. Same scenario as #10, only now the alien requests a DVD to show him the finest TV that Earth's culture has to offer and to keep his kids from fighting in the backseat on his way back to Naboo. What, if anything, do you place into his eager tentacles?

Aaaand that concludes this exciting edition of "Amanda does random things instead of writing or cleaning her apartment." Tune in next time, when I will either have drawn a random comic or gotten unaccountably passionate about something I saw on TV.

If it's the latter, that something will probably look like this and shoot a mean crossbow...

Original image found here.

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